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L'autrice di Proteggi la mia terra (Please Save My Earth) organizzerà una mostra per il 40º anniversario dal debutto artistico

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Here in Italy a reprint of “Please save my Earth” has just started. I don't particularly like the new translation, but it has been my favorite manga for a long time since I was a teenager. I really love its poignant atmospheres and its fascinations. 🌙

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Alice Sakaguchi & Rin Kobayashi + Mokuren & Shion (#PleaseSavemyEarth)
I watched these on VHS, then in DVD many years later...
The parallels between the lives of the characters before & after they reincarnated is fascinating & the relationships between them is truly complex.

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This girl is the inspiration for the creation of Maria robotnik

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"Toki no Kioku" chanté par Seika, et composé par Yoko Kanno pour l'anime est pour moi l'un des plus bel ending jamais conçu.
Une chanson lente qui retranscrit à la perfection l'atmosphère mélancolique de la série.

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