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heatstroke prevention

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If he ever tells her, there will be consequences on his end.
Zenith abides some form of silence code to ensure no secrets ever get leaked and preventing himself from relapsing into becoming a Darkling out of despair. https://t.co/2zT9yjxhkP

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Only secondhand bc I like the idea of some sort of coincidental force preventing shards from ever meeting each other no matter how ridiculous the situation but I also think it’d be rly chaotic if they actually met in elpis. exhibit A: https://t.co/UFj5XsFm0q

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Dancing amongst the tombstones, she would spin and twirl, keeping the dead appeased, preventing their return to the land of the living.

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The Pretorate built the Leviathan to avoid the chaos of succession by prolonging the life of the Empress and preventing the eventual rise of Calus.

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Perhaps most inspiring, the study’s statistical analysis suggests that 1 in 10 of all early deaths might be averted if each of us got up and moved even a little more than many of us currently do.

Read more: https://t.co/3Nd1FGAkD8

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Nothing compared to the joy you felt as a child when you discovered brand new ice lollies, especially if they were horror themed. Our childhoods were in the seventies... time flies!

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2days Joes Bar Toon "Origins of a Catchy Phrase" celebrates National Bite Prevention Week (April 9th - 15th) As they say "Once Bitten Twice Shy!"
Cheers Neecko! Retweet!

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I am proud to be counted amongst the writers for Queerfinder Vol. II, now available on Pathfinder Infinite. My short adventure is centered around Desna and The Black Butterfly’s “Eventide Sevenfold” festival in Absalom, featuring art by and ! 💖🌙🦋 https://t.co/Ov24txB8kE

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วิธีป้องกัน ไว้แนะนำเพื่อนฝรั่ง (Tips for preventing heatstroke)
- สวมใส่เสื้อผ้าที่โปร่งสบายและสีอ่อน (Choose loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing.)
- ดื่มน้ำให้เพียงพอ (Drink enough water.)
- หลีกเลี่ยงการออกกำลังในที่อากาศร้อนจัด (Avoid exercise in hot weather.)

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AU where Enid is Really Fucking Unlucky and she's always about to die but Wednesday has visions of every single death so she keeps preventing her from dying 🤙

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The Koroyopi Evolves ✨🤍
You find me very cute yesu koro? ૮꒰˶> ༝ <˶ ꒱ა

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Dance, oh sun, your slivers of gold upon this glassy sea
That touch the heart, revive, and enlighten me
Cast your colors at eventide
Reds and violets across the ocean wide
not a moment on waves true and tried
To bring me safely to shore
And return me to her side

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This week it's all about the ever-iconic-OG

🎨 Xelda has worked as an artist and designer for 30 years, focusing on social issues such as HIV/Aids prevention, family violence, and abuse prevention.

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Ereshkigal, a Powerful Mesopotamian Queen of the Dead was in charge of keeping the dead in her realm and preventing the living from learning about the afterlife. Her domain was in the Mountains of Sunset to the west, known as Kurnugia,or the Land of No return.

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