Damn you Algorithm!!!! I have to repost it ---again🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ what's wrong with this....
Anyway.... 3 more days

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First time I’ve gotten commissioned to make a PSA, but it’s for a cause I wholly support. The more I see it hurting artists, the more I’ll keep saying it -

Thank you so much for your support, !

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The final peice for my entry to the by on Instagram.
Such lovely character design. Love the original, check them out!

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Say no to ai and support real artists. In the great words of Guillermo del Toro, it’s an insult to life itself. I personalised mine with hazbin characters bc I am a fan of vivziepops work and find her very inspiring to fellow artists

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I love ‘s Timelapse recording feature! Here it is with my recent anti AI art piece.

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NO to AI generated images !

Stop this and Support human artists 💪🏽 !

‼️ Do Not Repost or Edit, Please ‼️

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Weighing in on this AI art topic in the best way I can

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Jokes aside,
It was cool when we were using it for fun or to make drawing references, but AI art can't replace artists.

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This is my entry for the "Say NO to AI Generated Art" contest hosted by Lesser Known Comics. I suggest participating not for the prizes, but to help make the stand. Only REAL people can create art. Say NO to AI generated art.

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Four of the pirates I’ve done for . I can’t wait for the launch of this one. They’ve formed a bit of a tabletop industry dream team.

1 11

So, 's six year old daughter created her own superhero called Blue Robin.

This is my fan art based on the design he came up with based on his daughters description.

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