Answers for Authors: What would a battle in orbit be like?

No space battles have yet been fought - but the hardware has been built, launched, and tested by many nations...

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What would Earth be like if there was no Moon? we'll be exploring this and lots more today . We'll also be creating some Moon poetry!

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Super Science Fun in Year 5 - Testing Properties. We tested 5 different properties. Magnetic, Hardness, Transparent, Flexibility and Permeable.

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Spicing up long experiments by drawing Wally on a vial so I feel like a winner when I get to that vial and find Wally

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Menthol crystals, cause who doesn't have a sore throat this time of year 😷🤧. Derived from mint oils like peppermint it is used in many products for its cooling sensation and anesthetic effects.

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