SCOTTOBER DAY 31: The Cailleach
The second half of Scotlands creator goddess. The Cailleach is the embodiment of winter, cold and the harshness of the world.

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One of Scotlands strangest monsters both in name and appearance, the Fachan bounces It’s way across Scotland looking wallop anyone it sees with its club

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SCOTTOBER DAY 27: The Cat-Sith
The Cat-Sith was a feared type of fairy in the highlands. It could steal souls from corpses by walking over them before burial.

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SCOTTOBER DAY 26: Muc-Seilche
The turtle pig of Scotland, it hangs around the banks of Lochs eating algae, weeds and the occasional child. It’s an ugly beast.

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SCOTTOBER DAY 24: The green lady
The green lady is one of the strangest ghosts in the world. There is not one green lady seen in one place, but multiple ghosts.

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SCOTTOBER DAY 20: The Greenock Cat Man
Crawling on his hands since the 1970s, the cat man feeds on mice and rats and sleeps in the bushes and tunnels of Greenock.

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The seal people of Scotland, selkies are creatures that can turn from human to seal by taking off their skin, getting stolen or lost.

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SCOTOMTOBER DAY 18: The Stoor Worm
Great enemy of Assipattle, the stoor worms teeth became the farroe islands, and it’s petrified body becoming Iceland.

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SCOTTOBER DAY 17: The hoodie crow
A moody, dark creature, the hoody crow is a man by night and crow by day, dwelling in a castle made entirely out of feathers.

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A deeply misunderstood story that when read incorrectly makes you jump to the worst conclusions. Tam Lin is a man-turned fairy.

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SCOTTOBER DAY 14: The hag of darkness
Going across battlefields and graveyards, she sinks her long tooth into corpses, transforming them into zombies.

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The Finmen disguise their fins with magic and trade amongst regular humans. They have a nasty side to them, blinding anyone who manages to see their fins with powder.

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Music loving little men of Shetland and Orkney. Their love of music drives them to kidnap musicians and force them to perform.

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SCOTTOBER DAY 6: Life and death
Life and death take the forms of a ram with colours in all the wrong places and an old man with 12 eye.

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SCOT-TOBER Day 5: Blue men of the Minch.
The blue men challenge all sailors in their waters to a battle of rhymes. If the sailors prove witty enough, they are allowed to pass.

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SCOT-TOBER: DAY 3: Bean Nighe (Ban-Shee)
The Bean Nighe takes the form of a washer woman. Those who see her will see their own bloody clothes, foretelling their death.

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SCOT-TOBER DAY 1: The Ghillie Dhu.
A 3ft forest dwelling creature with a cloak of leaves. Helping a girl in the woods had him being hunted. His long arms are to strangle those with bad intentions.

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