You would never believe what this is! Attention! This Aplysia depilans animal is the depilatory sea hare, a species of sea hare or sea slug. Cute cursor pack with Aplysia Depilans pointer.

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Inktober 52 - week 30 - ink

« When picked on, sea hares release sticky ink that causes "sensory inactivation." Essentially, they give lobsters stuffy noses. »

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Libra and Cancer are said to have a slightly bad relationship. Sea hare, a libra, and pozzi, a cancer, seem good together. Sea hare is dating pozzi And Pozzi loves Seahare very much.

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A for - or qt least some royalty. This is the princess who plays a deadly game of hide and seek with her suitors - until one man gets turned into a 'sea hare' and hides in her own plait.

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Me working on a witch OC and her familiar.

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