More of my pretty are flowering today. ⁩ ⁦⁩ 🌱🌸🪴🏡🥰

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// eyestrain

i'm mad and i draw stuff :D
fun fact, i have a sempervivum

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More of my plants,
Both Millie and Spider-man have been in my collection for a while now but Jiji is relatively new. I named spider-man because he is a red sempervivum spider.

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Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum tectorum), a European alpine species sketched in my Maine backyard. Wikipedia informs me that this versatile plant will protect my house from lightning, decay, and witchcraft.

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Sempervivum. Or, Hens and Chicks. They cluster together, survive together. I admire them.

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Building protection. Challenges of folkloric evidence. I've researched the tradition of houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) growing on roofs as lightning/fire protection. Loads of folklore about, but cannot find any evidence that people actively planted it for this purpose in 19thC.

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On the first Friday after the birth of a baby, Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) was mashed up into a poultice and applied to the infant. This was a Tuscan practice meant to encourage a long life.

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Sempervivum arachnoideum センペルビブム・アラクノイデウム、クモノスバンダイソウの和名を持つベンケイソウ科の多肉植物。ヨーロッパ~中央ロシアの山岳地帯原産、蜘蛛の糸のような産毛を自身に巻き付けるが、食害対策なのか霜除けなのか、よくわからない。花は5〜10cmほどの花茎を伸ばし開花。

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted sil…

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted silk…

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted silk…

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted silk s…

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted s…

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted silk s…

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted silk sca…

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted silk scarf …

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted silk sc…

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Hand-painted silk scarf - Blue Sempervivum, square hand-painted silk scarf ori…

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