닥터 양말이 실패한 보라다오 이벤트 기념!!

보라 세로몬 AirDrop

에어드랍 이벤트를 참여하시고 Dr. yanngmal에게 위로의 말을 전해주세요!

1. 좋아요 & 리트윗
2. 댓글에 보라색 물건
3. 태그

36 49

레젼~~~~드 세로몬 영입 완료!!
Welcome Legend Seromon!!

3 14

노랑 세로몬 AIR DROP 이벤트

댓글에 노란색 이미지와 이미지와 관련된 재미난 이야기를 들려주세요!

24시간 후 추첨을 통해 노랑 세로몬을 전달드립니다.

세로몬을 사랑해 주시는 여러분 감사합니다.

21 40

[세로몬 AMA 정리본 공유]

2월 20일 진행한 스페이스 AMA 내용을 공유드립니다.

세로몬 로드맵, 세계관, 미래계획을 확인해보세요!

📌AMA 미디엄링크📌https://t.co/1z8WHCrHWX

보기랑 다르게 저는 멀쩡합니다 눼? 🤪
물지 않아요

10 18

My best Seromon 😍😍

2 4

[PFP Change Airdrop Event]
🎁Airdrop 5 Seromons (random rarity)

To enter:
1⃣Change your PFP to your Seromon
2⃣Tweet with your Seromon image with tagged
5⃣Reply to this tweet 😃 with your Seromon
⏰~2/19 11pm EST

45 62

[Public FreeSale Information]

WL2 Minting is ending in 3hr!
Public FreeSale is starting at 6pm EST

❗️Public FreeSale
⏰2/15 6pm EST
🎁3/tx (unlimited transactions)

📍Minting Page: https://t.co/KHHG9Ky1TM

Lasts for 24h

2 9

[WL2 Minting Information]

🥳Cute Seromons are waiting for you!

💰Freemint 5/wallet.

⏰2/15 6am~6pm EST.


P.S Reveals 24h after minting out or 48h after start of the public sale.

6 18

[WL1, 2 Minting Information]
❗️WL1 (OG, WL1)
⏰2/14 6pm

❗️WL2 (OG, WL1, WL2)
⏰2/15 6am

📍Minting Page: https://t.co/KHHG9Kxu4e

Each phase goes on for 12h, don't miss!

13 23

[OG Sneakpeak]

Tom & Jerro (Jerry+Sero)
How is your Sunday going?

Free minting : Feb 15 2023 6pm (EST)
7,777 Seromons are coming to save the world

Start your week with Seromon!
Looking forward to seeing Tom Seromon

10 25


First 500 to RT & Submit Google survey will get ACCESS as WL2.

OG full➡️ WL1 full➡️ WL2 full soon

WL2⏰️mint Feb 15 6am (EST)
Drop ETH Wallet 👇
Survey 👇🌕 https://t.co/nVUmMCD8n7

3 4

[OG6 Sneakpeak]
Coloring the world with happiness • ᴗ •

Have you heard about Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon?

Like & retweet
Tag who might be related to Doodles
To Help Seromon to reach Doodles so we can color the world with happiness and joy.

11 25

⭐️Seromon Free-minting Feb 15⭐️
🐱[OG Sneakpeak]

Seroyan cat🌈 will take you to the moon!🌕

Don't forget to join our WL-2 event on Twitter.

10 24

[OG Sneakpeak]
Wednesday Sero
"I guess you are born at Sednesday!?"
"No.. I am born on Friday the 13th"
This one goes with the Thing

9 27

[Rarity - OG]
Every OG - Rarity Seromons will be 1/1 NFTs.
There will be only 1% out of 7,777 total.

Here is a sneak-peak of a OG Seromon, Iron-Sero.

I am IronSero!

12 21

🎁 Seromon 🎁

🏆 Win WL2(FCFS)spot Unlimited

✅ Follow

✅ Like & RT Tag 3 Friends
✅ Finish Tasks

⏰ 48H

157 164

[Discord Join Event]
🎁OG x 1
🎁many WL2 spots

3⃣Join our Discord https://t.co/Vz30nls8DU
4⃣Leave your $eth wallet on
OG will be selected via raffle.

19 32