Yiyeon est la secrétaire de Seungjo et crush sur lui depuis 10 ans. Munjo, son demi-frère crush sur Yiyeon.

Tu préfères être avec quelqu'un qui crush sur toi depuis 10 ans ou avec quelqu'un que tu as aimé pendant 10 ans sans que rien ne se passe ?

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Day 14 The Insecticons. I haven’t read but drawing bickering villains is always funny. Enjoy xDD

1 12

【FirstClassEscape】謎解きは世界の車窓から より


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3 189

Also did it in different hues 🥰

They leave a spot they don't enjoy staying in for what seems like a pink hour and other is at night 🥰🥰

5 9

Also did it in different hues 🥰

They leave a spot they don't enjoy staying in for what seems like a pink hour and other is at night 🥰🥰

16 47


A love letter to another rhythm game I absolutely adore.

4 12

Le premier album de Mellano Soyoc, soit Olivier Mellano (MellaNoisEscape, Brendan Perry, Laetitia Shériff, Coddiwomple...) et Mona Soyoc, ex-KaS Product), en écoute : https://t.co/i4WiwlQuJU

4 6

(9) Who would play my characters?

In a current Ravenloft game I have a sort-of-not-quite-undead My Chemical Rogue. So I'm going to say Lee Pace for him.

And for my plansescape hexblade tiefling Second-To-Last-May-You-Fare-Better-Than-Your-Brothers? Natasia Demetriou.

0 2

I loved the new transformers escape chapter! Here is Skrapnel!! :)

3 9

trying to clean up my computer and back it up, here's some random sammys I never posted here

2 17

I'm settling down with my coffee and all of Harry Potter canon in front of me. Last week's theme was "Escape." Now to choose a theme for this coming week ... hmmm.

by Marta T.

2 9

This month marks my

I made this account exactly a year ago after my main got hacked ☠️
I didn’t expect to get to

Here’s to hopefully another year without getting taken down Shueisha ❤️🌹

30 285

RoseScape’s Dragon Ball
Christmas Special Is HERE 🎁

Hope You All Have A Beautiful Christmas ❤️🌹

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