Regarding the clause that users of X are obligated to train the AI, has it started yet?🤔
關於 X 使用者有義務訓練 AI 的條款,現在開始了嗎?🤔

22 116

I love being commissioned because it lets me paint what I can't imagine.😄

46 211

Aquila Marine
鷲星座 マリン
天鷹座 魔玲

66 361

Why the saints again? Sometimes the subjects I paint are decided by other people.😂
なぜまたセイントなのか? 私が描く題材は他人が決めることもある😂

31 191

When I was a kid, I thought Shun was a girl, until I saw him without his shirt.😅

60 307

Shun: Brother! I feel like I'm not a man anymore...
Ikki: It's fine, no problem.

21 159

I only have my real name (or nickname) because lack of ideas, one day I wanted to change, I search what is the name of the Saint Seyia character of my astrological sign, and I'm nom Shaka.

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Haruka x Seyia [sailor moon]

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Made this for my cuz & fellow New Jerseyian. I based this off some of his beautiful photography. Cheers to the weekend!

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Aku masih seyia dengan ibis, tapi slowly merembet ke whiteboardfox buat dudel 😭😭

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One of my favorite dnd characters ever of mine, who will soon be a main NPC in a campaign I’m planning, Seyia the Rakdos Bard 💕

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People forgetting about Saint Seyia 😔

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I made my boyfriend choose a frame from Saint Seiya to redraw and here's the result!

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mas cositas de Saint Seyia

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