Find what inspires you & have the conviction to follow it through to the end. Success is hard earned but it will be worth it

49 125

Monday! Time for a on this Share your or below.
(image generated by

17 63

Fellow writers, make me reach 6500 followers!

Give me a & I’ll And drop your and links so I can a bunch!

66 191

Seeds of Sunshine is based on the idea that like a dandelion puff spreads its seeds into the world with a puff of air. Our words spread onto other people every time we speak. Will our words be seeds of kindness or weeds of hurt?

1 1

Another week another story. It's Monday...again.

Authors, Writers, Poets your etc.

always welcome!

RT, share, and like for exposure

14 25

While I am here to tell you that my 2nd novel is 70% off
why don't you post YOUR so I can signal boost them

9 15

is a thing?? Ok! I like to draw cartoony stuff &I am open for c0 mmi55 ion5 (follow the links in my bio)

4 20

Today is a holiday and also So let's do a today. Share your links to books, blogs, comics, or works in progress.
Share your writing with the world! You never know who it may inspire or connect with.

45 136

What the what? is here again? It's been what? A week?

Oh well, and time!

Drop your goods, show off, and RT the heck out of everything else on the thread before yours. I'll RT everything when I wake up in the morning!

11 19