I hope they all rot in hell (changed sesshomaru for nashetania) https://t.co/PYr7hh0Oa8

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Couldn't have agreed more.
I have more bunny OCs lol

This is Sheta, shy snoball cutie

0 1

You're welcome to cuddle up when hanging out, but you have to be respectful. Shetani may bite 🗡️


2 35

Prussian Death Head Hussar uniform?
Prussian Death Head Hussar uniform.


2 3

I thought it was a funny idea.
Based on the fact that canon Italy used to wreck other nations (like Turkey). In the Witch au hes so soft and round and short.

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missing Hetalia , Adnan was such a funny character his english accent was so on point xD

6 15

They make my heart happy for years. Hetalia OTP // Ellos hacen a mi corazón feliz desde hace años. Hetalia OTP

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