My contribution to hunahpu captain because third descender captain is kinda boring.. plus I subscribed to Ashikai’s theory

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Ushikai Musume (牛飼娘) |
Anime : Goblin Slayer

38 241

shikaino from this to this.

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19- Tomo-chan wa onna no ko

Entretenida, aunque a veces he querido darles un buen capón a unos cuantos personajes x'D
Es la 1ra vez que veo a IshiKai haciendo de prota de shojo y me encanta💜
Y Rie Takahashi está ahora en mi radar seiyuuril (?), enhorabuena ewe

0 3

kata gw shikaino kalo punya anak

6 53

----End of the Thread----
Conclusion of the scaling,
True Shikai Ichigo=Yhwach without Almighty(Universal)
HOS Ichigo=Yhwach with Almighty(Uni+)
True Bankai HOS Ichigo>Comp. Yhwach(Low Complex Multi) since it is the only tier above Uni+.

4 36

Puede que Kishibe en CSM.
Escanor en Nanatsu no Taizai.
Kenpachi en Bleach (el hijo de puta mato a un Espada sin siquiera usar su Shikai)

5 31

What's the matter with you, Captain Kyoraku? This intruder is still alive. Should I beat him?

Daily Design 59

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A warrior who has lost his strength will only interfere.

Daily Design 58

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Our artists worked really hard to create these beautiful portraits for these girls~Part.2

Iori from Phase-Connect!!!

Half Body Art Commission~

Illustration: Polish Seal

12 117

shikaino 👍 terus ngeship itaino jalur fanfic, they have many great spicy fanfictions asdfghjkl

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“people call it love, while i’ll be calling you.”

shikaino himahi jadian feels so surreal to me, it took a long time, but they’re here eventually. 🫶🏻

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( illusts @ KAKASHIKAIJINN )

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It's so crazy how Aizen had the person he framed be the one to send over the note, knowing he wouldn't peek..
Aizen not only became involved in the academy to put everyone under his Shikai, but also as a means of analysing his future pawns to that extent.

2 29


三日月 和吽蘭, Kagura Mikazuki, or Kagura Hitsugaya
April 29
Taurus ♉
1.50 cm (4' 11")
1,70 cm (5' 7")
Affiliation: 13th Division. 
Position: Lieutenant 
Shikai: Tori no Kasai
Bankai: Tensei Tori
Husband: Toushiro Hitsugaya

8 13

Daybit is voiced by IshiKai huh
He’s also Varmundt in RagOri
They look kinda similar do they

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