At 2023 be sure to stop by the expo area
to see & who'll join us at our booth.
Enter the journals (ICB & IOB) raffle there &
pick up fantastic free swag (like patches)
& meet some of the journal AEs.

7 19

Hi folks! Curious about the multi-level convergence of cephalopod photophores? My talk is now online!

22 67

Hey come check out my poster tomorrow on opossum jaw mechanics at PHX, SICB+, or wherever you get your possum jaw biomechanics!

11 87

Are brain shapes of flightless simply a result of these birds getting bigger? Find out during tomorrow's poster session at when (along with and myself) present our work on development in these magnificent birds.

9 56

After months of segmenting, landmarking, & coding, I'm pleased to announce that I'll be presenting some dissertation results at next week. I'm in the DVM Best Student Poster Session, Tues 3:30-4:30. Stop by to chat about geometric morphometrics & axial regionalization!

13 143

Swag from the journals booth at with from our sibling journal 's EIC
would be perfect for this show!

(see our student fund site on )

4 11

Curious what's between the broadly overlapping / bones of dolphin skulls? For some cool histology & microCT check out my talk! Live Discussion TOMORROW @ 10:30am EST / 7:30am PST, Spines & Sutures. Collab. btwn Roth lab, , & UNCW

6 19

Congrats on your talk for & on being a
You may just love our free read of
Multiple Degrees of Freedom in the Fish Skull and Their Relation to Hydraulic Transport of Prey in Channel

2 8

How do we study the ecomechanics of deep sea animals? Check out our talks, starting with the squishy swimmer by (w captions).


56 184

has great talks by biomechanists

has the upcoming
Appendicular Muscle Physiology & in niloticus by et al

If you're a biomechanist, consider submitting to us.

1 7

Up next in the DCB BSP competition we have Callie Crawford ()! (I missed her title slide [sorry!!] but she is discussing kinematics of terrestrial walking in balitorid loaches!)

6 35

SICB ARE YOU READY? Tomorrow we’ve got a great talk from Martha M Muñoz for the Gans Award Address: “‘Constraint', a double-edged sword for evolution.”

Check it out, 4:00-4:30 pm PST Sunday, Jan 3!

Pathable link:

Image by

21 68

Are y’all getting excited for or what? Make sure you check out the Plenary talk on Tuesday, Jan 5 12:30-13:30 by Claude Steele:

Their talk will address success in diverse learning communities and why it’s important!

(Image by )

11 26

Just updated my talk for on the schooling behavior of Giant Danios. Come see me talk about headings, tail beats, and changes in school structure when talks open up in 2 days!

2 12

SICB 2021 virtual- Biology's Best Friend- We've gone to the dogs & we couldn't be happier!

A blog on s11 speakers who'll speak at 's Virtual conference in January.

& thanks for attending to see what we're up to👍

5 6

SICB & their journals (IOB & ICB) highlight Art in Bio - blog segments with scientists/artists who have donated images to help raise $ for student scholarships via their site
face masks & much more

5 9

SICB & their journals (IOB & ICB) highlight Art in Bio - blog segments with scientists/artists who have donated images to help raise $ for student scholarships via their site
face masks & much more

4 4

A belated thread — if you ever use watch talks, or read papers, the following unsolicited FYI is for you. Please r/t for visibility!

69 153

That image on my poster was a drawing I did of me instead of a picture. Featuring two endemic species.
It’s my logo now. It’s going on everything.

0 16

Chomp chomp chomp: Is homodonty really real? What regulates the speed of tooth replacement? Why do some teeth have ridges? Looking forward to some amazing manuscripts answering these questions 🙂

7 20