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At @SICB_ 2023 be sure to stop by the expo area
to see @WildlifeInATX & @AustinBatRefuge who'll join us at our booth.
Enter the #SICB journals (ICB & IOB) raffle there &
pick up fantastic free swag (like #Gender #inclusive #bio patches)
& meet some of the journal AEs.
Hi #SICB2022/SICB+ folks! Curious about the multi-level convergence of cephalopod photophores? My talk is now online! https://t.co/LPPKlsTMlH
Hey #SICB2022 come check out my poster tomorrow on opossum jaw mechanics at PHX, SICB+, or wherever you get your possum jaw biomechanics!
Are brain shapes of flightless #ratites simply a result of these birds getting bigger? Find out during tomorrow's poster session at #SICB2022 when @mrforcellati (along with @TheCassowaryKid and myself) present our work on #brain development in these magnificent birds.
After months of segmenting, landmarking, & coding, I'm pleased to announce that I'll be presenting some dissertation results at #SICB2022 next week. I'm in the DVM Best Student Poster Session, Tues 3:30-4:30. Stop by to chat about geometric morphometrics & axial regionalization!
@NoahwithFish @EvoDevoDiva @snake_flyer @Fishguy_FHL @stacyfarina @sicb @SICB_ Swag from the @SICB_ journals booth at #SICB2022 with #art from our sibling journal @iobopen's EIC @Fishguy_FHL
would be perfect for this show!
(see our student fund site on @FineArtAmerica)
Curious what's between the broadly overlapping / #telescoping bones of dolphin skulls? For some cool histology & microCT check out my #SICB2021 talk! Live Discussion TOMORROW @ 10:30am EST / 7:30am PST, Spines & Sutures. Collab. btwn Roth lab, @MatthewJHilton, & UNCW #VABLAB
Congrats @linnealungstrom on your talk for #SICB2021 & on being a #1stGenInSICB!
You may just love our free read of
Multiple Degrees of Freedom in the Fish Skull and Their Relation to Hydraulic Transport of Prey in Channel #Catfish https://t.co/736t2eos9g https://t.co/IGxpCOFkBj
How do we study the ecomechanics of deep sea animals? Check out our @BioinspirLab @MBARI_News #DOIG #SICB2021 talks, starting with the squishy swimmer #tomopteris by @DanielsJoost @OsbornLab (w captions). @SICB_
pathable: https://t.co/QtEMU8kWur
youtube: https://t.co/nVBSsnmTBo
#SICB2021 has great talks by biomechanists
like https://t.co/ENLEilmDy4
@iobopen has the upcoming
Appendicular Muscle Physiology & #Biomechanics in #Crocodylus niloticus by @JohnRHutchinson et al
If you're a biomechanist, consider submitting to us. https://t.co/mOC5mTqVGD
Up next in the #SICB2021 DCB BSP competition we have Callie Crawford (@CallieHCrawford)! (I missed her title slide [sorry!!] but she is discussing kinematics of terrestrial walking in balitorid loaches!)
SICB ARE YOU READY? Tomorrow we’ve got a great talk from Martha M Muñoz for the Gans Award Address: “‘Constraint', a double-edged sword for evolution.”
Check it out, 4:00-4:30 pm PST Sunday, Jan 3!
Pathable link: https://t.co/qK1A5ldJEp
Image by @Mannerrr
Are y’all getting excited for #SICB2021 or what? Make sure you check out the Plenary talk on Tuesday, Jan 5 12:30-13:30 by Claude Steele: https://t.co/gqKQbDOLZ0
Their talk will address success in diverse learning communities and why it’s important!
(Image by @Mannerrr)
Just updated my talk for #SICB2021 on the schooling behavior of Giant Danios. Come see me talk about headings, tail beats, and changes in school structure when talks open up in 2 days!
SICB 2021 virtual- Biology's Best Friend- We've gone to the dogs & we couldn't be happier!
A blog on s11 #canine #science speakers who'll speak at @SICB_'s Virtual conference in January.
& thanks @bunsenbernerbmd for attending to see what we're up to👍
SICB & their journals (IOB & ICB) highlight Art in Bio - @ICB_journal blog segments with scientists/artists who have donated images to help raise $ for student scholarships via their @FineArtAmerica site
face masks & much more
SICB & their journals (IOB & ICB) highlight Art in Bio - @ICB_journal blog segments with scientists/artists who have donated images to help raise $ for student scholarships via their @FineArtAmerica site
face masks & much more
A belated #SICB2020-inspired thread — if you ever use #XROMM, watch #XROMM talks, or read #XROMM papers, the following unsolicited FYI is for you. Please r/t for visibility! @mechsNmorph @elbrainerd @jd_lc @KonowLab @JohnRHutchinson
That image on my poster was a drawing I did of me instead of a picture. Featuring two endemic species.
It’s my logo now. It’s going on everything.
Chomp chomp chomp: Is homodonty really real? What regulates the speed of tooth replacement? Why do some teeth have ridges? Looking forward to some amazing manuscripts answering these questions 🙂 @SICBtweets @ICB_journal #SICB2020