画質 高画質

Gyate Ohayou Smash series
23.- Robin
Ire subiendo todos los que he hecho, si ya quieren ver los demás estan mis paginas de Deviantart y Pixiv

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Este es un dibujo que hice durante un Stream en mi canal de Twitch (por cierto siganme en mi canal)
💜Patiño AG Direct💜 https://t.co/4ki2Lifbqu
En honor a la llegada de Kazuya Mishima de Tekken al Smash bros.

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ayo wass poppin it's day 5, time for dark samus

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Porky Minch
Pinches Back!
this is gonna be for a future smash moveset, hope yall like the alts!

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Io and behold, King Dedede has been finalized!

As time passed, the less of a fan I was of my King Dedede pixelart, so I replaced it with a brand new one!
Hope you enjoy! Costumes coming soon™️

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I was studing anatomy and everything transforms in to a Swimsuit Palutena D:

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no new art today, so here is a compilation of my favorite earthbound art that i've made!

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So you remember how there was a few Mii Costumes from Capcom with Pyra and Mythra because of Monster Hunter Rise's release (as well as Ghosts and Goblins)?
Imagine if they did something similar again for a different occasion.

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaa i made it in my time zone by about 50 minutes. day 4 is Samus ;u;

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Gyate Ohayou Smash series
21.- Ike
Ire subiendo todos los que he hecho, si ya quieren ver los demás estan mis paginas de Deviantart y Pixiv

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That idea was in my head so i had to do it

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¡¡Dibujo número 2 del proyecto chibi Smash !!
Aquí os traigo a Donkey Kong de la serie de juegos con el mismo nombre.

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