世界中の多くのRWBYファンも同じです! OwO'

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Drawing I did to celebrate reaching 2k followers on Instagram. May not be much but I'm grateful for every one of them.

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So I did the thing. Kinda.
Meet Sailor Bear! I used my very own red-bearded beau as a model and I must say I love it! Oh, and I totally stole this idea from ! Reposting cause I tagged the WRONG Yildiray Çinar! 🤦‍♂️#smithmicro

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So I had a little break from a comission I’m doing and decided to jump, late, on the bandwagon!
Então eu estava numa partida de uma comission que estou fazendo e decidi, tardiamente, participar do Toon Me.

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Experimenting and testing some brushes and settings while settling into the new rig. Got a little carried away. Yay.


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