I like❤️💚 😇
the second is 養女おそ子x伝奇ミステリ緑土丁呂介,I paired them.

1 4

Some snuggly Sokudomatsu! I wanna see these boys getting along after the last couple episodes. XD

8 48


EQUINOX - A SOKUDOMATSU ZINE entry. Thank you so so much for hosting this masterpiece and I am very happy to be part of it! Everyone's works are so wonderful, cheers!!! 💚❤️💚❤️

Check it out: https://t.co/kiAgFvMCfp

10 18

EQUINOX - a sokudomatsu zine is OUT
please check it out!!!!! https://t.co/jxlfsu5dDa

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