Meriti qualcuno che tremi
per te, che ti senta nelle
vene, che abbia voglia di
correre,partire, andare, che
non aspetti il sole, che voglia
starti accanto anche se
fuori piove,
Meriti qualcuno che voglia
volerti davvero. Sempre!

Buon Martedì ☕️
Good morning ☕️


13 79

Don't think I posted this either lol
This was for this year's FOFebruary on tumbls and did @/bokatan's Sole, Reed

1 3

“Il mio cuore batteva
attonito e smarrito.
… I limoni in fiore,
i cipressi dell’orto,
verde il prato,il sole,l’acqua, l’iride
l’acqua nei tuoi capelli!
E tutto nel ricordo si perdeva
come una bolla di sapone al vento.

A. Atroshenko

3 5

Drop your png and reply what is your favourite handheld console, I want to draw cute characters in this style☺️ will pick a few to draw tomorrow

Draft one vs draft 2~ new profile pic!

16 177

Splendide, le Ali dell'Angelo Annunciante.
"Annunciazione" del Beato Angelico (Giovanni da Fiesole, frate dal 1420) (Italia 1395 circa - 1455). Affresco, 230 x 321 cm, 1440 circa. Corridoio Nord, Museo Convento di San Marco, Firenze.

Via Osservatorio Libri

0 2

Again, sorry about the long delay between art posts! This one is going to be a total of 4 drawings, so it'll take a long while to come out; in the meantime, here's more Type Revera chars! (@.NuclearSnoek, Sole, and Masi)

0 1

Punto di vista filosofico, di fronte al sole, l'ombra è dietro di te.
"Non lasciamo mai ciò che abbiamo in mano adesso, ci proiettiamo nel domani per acquisire un futuro in un altro tempo presente".

47 91

On a tous dans notre tête un p'tit jingle qui nous amène un gros moment de bonheur nostalgique. Beaucoup vont penser à l'intro de la PS1 (soit parce qu'ils avaient la console, soit influencés par JDG). Moi j'ai pas eu cette console... Mais j'avais mon jingle !

4 33

Alrighty! In console state, out of console, date night clothing and my console state which is my comfiest state! >:3

0 4

my oldest is Hakeiya, at about 400-500 years old (exact number unknown), though she appears to be about 23 physically
my youngest is Sole, who doesn't actually have an age since she's a dream entity, but shares the same chibi, smol proportions as her bro

0 2

you mustn’t cry…listen…death
makes the young wiser than one’s elders
and so trust in what I say:
it’s painful but there are moments
of clarity and calm -
in spite of the dark curtains…
there’s certainty in the
the spirit that abides…
let that console, hold us

7 36

Meet Gerald!
he has a slight case of amnesia, but there's always something that bothers him when playing on his 16-bit console, something that whispers to him..."remember me! i'm free now!"...

2 11

Proudly gazing at the horizon as Spike gently lifts his sole, revealing the mass destruction stuck to his foot, as he spots another one of those gray patches on the floor and slowly moves his foot towards it.

31 143

My biggest doubt in the stories of the "Great Architect creator of the Universe" is what did he do during his masterpiece with the creative doubts.
Are the platypus, the niala and the sole, projects taken up again after discarding them?

0 1

. 『オフショルcamisole,光紫短髪姉,結月ゆかり, trin』

0 0

. 『キャミソールを着た佐久間まゆ,キャミソールラインはパイピング処理されている』
(Mayu Sakuma in camisole, camisole line is piped)

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Thanks for the art share❤
I'm Giraresole, draw dragons, illustrations, Star wars and furry

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