Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Ink & Watercolor 7"x5”

Framed Original For Sale 
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A portion of profits go to Conservation

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-11/28/1520- Portuguese navigator achieved the 1st of the by reaching the after passing thru the strait that now bears his name.

🖼️Discovery of the Strait of Magellan, Álvaro Casanova Zenteno

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👉is sold out in less than 2 hours👈

Thanks to artfare.tez who took all of them but one!

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I wasnt expecting that! Thanks to artfare.tez who took a great bunch of them.

14/30 editions left
2 Tez

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Hello friends!

Today i'm featuring from

La Llorona, La Sayona, Dama Branca and Patasola

RT & ❤️ on if you like these works.

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I'm Mendu, a southamerican artists whose Atiny and Army! My bias is Namjoon♥ my goal is to reach 500 followers!!

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This is also the goal of the Church. For good sheep must follow their shepherd to green pastures & sill waters. For hasn't the reiterated this notion himself? Even the title: "Pastor," suggests this relationship, between the church & it's congregants.

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perhaps a lil late but worth the shot anyways
hi, i'm southamerican and i do the arting

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I always end up not doing anything for for one reason or another so here's something small. Also wanted to showcase something I do Other Than Drawing.
Hi, I'm Dani (they/them), southamerican, and like to pew sharp sticks at faraway circles.

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Sexta-feira vai ter um mutirão organizado pela e por mim e decidimos subir a hashtag pra IMPLORAR por essa tour que a gente tanto pede! As informações estão na imagem. Divulguem bastante nos grupos e aqui no twitter💛

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Bush Dog :)

prints and merchandise on

of the World prints and merchandise on

For orders within India:

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