I’ve tweeted nearly all my good strips. But I found another one I like.


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Today is my Friday. I’m so ready for a bit of a break. Cheers

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Some days feel like a strange experiment.

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Fun fact. I post my old cartoon strips regularly with the hashtag They’ve been in a file begging to be shared. So, if you love humor, or space please check them out. Cheers.

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I love Saturdays because I have more room in my mind to think about food and cooking, and more time to enjoy the results. Cheers.

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It’s Friday. Yay! We only have to concentrate a little longer. Cheers (sincere apologies to you weekend warriors)

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It’s “ugh”ain. And still I wait. Here’s a describing how I feel. Haha. Cheers.

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Happy Sunday. I hope you can squeeze in a good soak.

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