Declino che oscuro morbido
il fogliame.
Nel bosco abita il silenzio
Presto pare un villaggio
digradare spettrale
La bocca della sorella
sussurra in mezzo a rami neri.

"Anima Azzurra, vagare oscuro"

🎨Peter Paul Rubens

7 16

La terra languisce di anno in anno
come una madre che i figli non curano.
Essi disprezzano i suoi spettrali, arruffati capelli,
i suoi modi pazzi e antiquati

Gertrud Kolmar

Frida Kahlo, Radici, 1943

7 20

Per preparare l'imminente evento Spiriti del Giappone, gli artisti vogliono disegnare il TUO avatar con un aspetto spettrale giapponese!

1 5

Il ritratto di un fantasma?

Il volto spettrale di Charles Churchill, ritratto nel 1755 da Joshua Reynolds ( ), è frutto delle sperimentazioni effettuate dall’artista sul carminio e la biacca, due pigmenti che - secondo Reynolds - avrebbero ben reso la pelle umana.

37 203

"More Ghosthicc Spettra"

Yes, more Gothicc spet, i wanted to put her some latex, and also i love these kind of gloves, so yeah, Spet laying with some latex


3 39

"Ghostly Night Show"

Spettra's giving a night show, first time doing something like this but i like it, her necklace also is a spiked one instead of the regular one to make her stand out from Spokey


16 72

A friendly remind. I have a ghost cowboy and gunslinger who is the owner of a big ghost train called the Espresso Spettrale. His name is Leone.

3 8

"Another aparition"

"Ghost girl appears randomly in random places" is what im thinking with this. Anyway Spettra draw, this day was supposed to be for Vivian but i changed it for Spettra for something im planning , for now enjoy this apparition~


6 59

"Lurking in the Darkness"

I wanted to do an "Against the Glass" picture and spettra was the perfect candidate for it since she is a ghost and can haunt people by knocking windows (?)

So yeah, just ghost boobs


8 42

Another bandwagon meme yadayada
Im bored as fuck so, you may know the drill by now, rate or whatever. Yes im putting 3 characters
1.- Spokey/Spok
2.- Spettra/Spet
3.- Vivian/Vivi

And that's all

2 11

"Good girl"

It was Spettra turn to be drawed and i had light BDSM in mind, and who better than Sol to be featured in this


11 77

"Royal outfits?"

This started as a "Spettra" solo draw but i had 4 poses to work and said Fuck it, let's put the other 3 girls with spet in those fancy outfits 👀 and here we are
Based on the Shantae outfits from the 3rd game


47 239

"The teacher and the ghost"

YEah yeah i had spettra in the sut for a while, she was receiving private lessons from her teacher (?) but that's a draw for another day. For now take this semi-Remake of an old draw

Anyway, thingie for


5 26

"Extra Credit"

Now, this is worht 35 usd xdd
Gift for . Yet again doing a reference to that "Miss de la Plata" picture sol did a while ago. Anyway, Sol fucking Spet with a Strap-On and as a fact, This is the first time of Spettra being fucked


10 67

"Spettra... ette"

i digitalized the sketch i did last night and blablabla


8 33

Ce voluto un po ma ecco la Guida Spettrale! Sono un' elite di incantatori all’interno del Culto di Callimaco, un’organizzazione terroristica composta principalmente da Elfi Alti con lo scopo di creare un mondo senza umani

0 4

Aight, Long time no see JuJ
And i have this to show, The cutest marshmallow i know UwU (?)
Spettra and Solaria just shopping like good friends~

7 41

A Parigi battuta all'asta per 162k la pistola con cui Van Gogh si suicidò.
Il pensiero magico non ci ha mai veramente abbandonato, ma riemerge evidente per gli oggetti che hanno avuto a che fare con la morte, o "cambiato la storia", e che diventano simboli potenti e spettrali.

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