I am playing around with Spine2D, trying to see how feasible it would be to make animated portraits by using the actual in-game sprites alone. This one is of Nansi, the spider goddess (inspired by ).

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Its aliiive! (Until you chop it to pieces ... obviously!)

Its my first “swing” at animating the monsters in my upcomming game ... Done in but this skeleton has too many bones😆

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A couple new animation tests. The first, single picture mesh deformation in Spine2d, the second is a simple 2 frame animation. Third pic is both frames broken out.

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Hi!, I'm a self-taught based on Chile!! It would help me a lot (obviously if you like my work) to RT my works, just started to shape my career on and 2D Skeletal (#Spine2D, Here are som samples of my work. THANKS TO YOU ALL!

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