Day 14
Memories of
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For my graphic novel WIP, I've been experimenting with difference styles of drawing to capture a likeness of Duncan that reflects his physical stature & the era in which he lived.

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I started my daily drawing challenge inspired by & the 73 days ago.
Started 'just for fun' & cos I've a personal connection to the events of 1958
I leave the 'serious stuff' for my '58 research & projects.

But some days 'fun' doesn't feature much.

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I've been drawing on the & the World Cup theme for 5 weeks now!

You can see more about this 'just for fun' challenge & my wider research & here:

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The female boxers by John Collet. . An early depiction of a woman match. The 2 women were servants fighting for a man's hand. Mary Farmers won the bout. How ever no evidence has yet been found of a happy ever after.

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and So pleased that the emancipation of women lead to sensible Images by Hogarth and Orpen .

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A wonderful article on the lost nicknames of football, featuring some wonderful Ogden cigarette card representations (if of their time and highly inappropriate in places).

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