Me gusta el motor de El pasado fin de semana empecé a jugar al de ¿Lo habéis jugado? ¿Porqué historia habéis comenzado vuestra andadura? En mi caso el periodo elegido ha sido la prehistoria. El mundo viejuno necesita más juegos así!

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Show me 4 of your favourite JRPGs that are not made by Squaresoft/Enix/Squareenix.

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Show me 4 of your favourite JRPGs that are not made by Squaresoft/Enix/Squareenix.

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Show me 4 of your favourite JRPGs that are not made by Squaresoft/Enix/Squareenix.
Here are mine:
• Phantasy Star
• Ni No Kuni
• P5R
• Nioh 2

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Show me 4 of your favourite JRPGs that are not made by Squaresoft/Enix/Squareenix.

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Show me 4 of your favourite JRPGs that are not made by Squaresoft/Enix/Squareenix.

Yakuza counts as one, right? 😏

These are ones that I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's MANY more.~

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Show me 4 of your favourite JRPGs that are not made by Squaresoft/Enix/Squareenix.

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This was fun to think about.

What are four of your favourite JRPG’s, not made by Squaresoft/Enix/SquareEnix.

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Vi ricordiamo l'appuntamento di stasera alle ore 18:00 con per le novità su e altri titoli Lo show sarà presentato da (doppiatore di Cor in Final Fantasy XV).


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I can't say I'm surprised, though, in some ways, given TWEWY's past treatment by the higher-ups at SquareEnix... I always suspected the development hell came more from those stuck on figures and sales and not the actual devs themselves. It sucks, but that's big business, I guess.

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BLOG | Entrevistamos a nuestro antiguo alumno de , que recientemente ha publicado el oneshot 'HumanExe' en la revista Gangan Joke de la editorial japonesa SquareEnix.✍️

¡Ya lo podéis leer en nuestro blog!

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Continuando con de en una de sus clases más populares y cancheras, el Edelfrei (o SwordMaster). Este es un del juego, propiedad de y El año entrante sale el ¿cómo se verá?

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I’ve had requests to paint the like I did my recent Gladio. I think with for his wisdom & mastery of ingredients; a purifier when burned. Well played, indeed 🌿🔥

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La llegada de Second Evolution a occidente no se encuentra en la hoja de ruta de

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I did a thing! 7+hrs of Yuna owned by SquareEnix. Art by me!

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