New dozing samurai squirrel sticker design. I may try and work up a few more illustrations before sending in a print order. I’ll let you know when they’re available. Hope everyone’s having a good week so far 😊

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Squirrels are starting to work off that hibernation weight🐿🥜 But they're looking amazing when they do it🤩 Redo from 2017 (boy that's nuts😂)

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A Red squirrel- reminds me of Tufty Tales!
Drawn digitally on my phone using Autodesk Sketchbook.
Process video on my Patreon

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タンタン🐿This morning I replaced Tintin's bed. Tintin is a little nervous🙃タンタンが壊した巣箱を取り替えてたら案の定落ち着かないw

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