I've been wanting to draw baby Demi- so here she is!
Climbing Dad Mountain!

6 11

Little Demi is a very squirmy baby!

5 14

Starting out small in 2021.
Pit & his 3 younger children 💙🤍💙

5 28

Xander & his baby sister Demi again 🖤💙

5 10

Rock and his new nephew.💙
(Yesterday was Xander's birthday!🍰)

8 18

The angel-human hybrid, soon to be born to two very anxious parents...
...Soon to be named Xander.

3 9

Dark Pit meeting his nephew Ajax.
The concept of 'family' has always been a foreign thing to him.
(This is long before he had family of his own.)

6 14

Dark Pit relaxing with his two children - Xander & Demi ~💙🖤

3 15

Demi - Dark Pit & Richter's fussy little girl, & Xander's baby sister.

7 12

The Belmont Family on an evening walk.

8 14

Two brave men & their baby ~❤️

9 12

Looks like Xander got himself into a heap of trouble!
Luckily his tiny 'mama' was able to save him.
Dinner is going to be awkward tonight.

9 11

Having & raising an angel+human hybrid is hard work, but these two managed to do it!

6 14