I drew this chart to help me keep track of choices and variables (blue) in Trey's diplomatic talk with the alien Chiraktis Queen in The Star Legation.
Redacted to avoid spoilers!

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I've just landed the characters in my scifi visual novel on an alien planet. If you made the right choices, these two might get further than this scene...

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A brief project update for the visual novel:
I just finished the first choice path that results in Trey's death! This alien encounter could have gone better, but Trey chose poorly...

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I finished another scene today in the visual novel, but after altering one of the expressions for a character, realized Photoshop snuck in a resize when saving. Arggh, now I have to go back and resize all those expressions!

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Today, I'm back to work on the visual novel, despite the failed Kickstarter. I spent some time today putting together a little something special for the backers that supported me--they'll have it soon. Thanks everyone!

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The protagonist in the has his own personality, but you can decide how assertive, sensitive, reckless, and romantic he is. Try multiple playthroughs with different skills, too!

Choices in a (5/5) https://t.co/aY871TUKsL

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It's Friday and almost midnight, I have to work at 9am tomorrow morning, my family is asleep, and yet I'm down in the basement programming the some more. Poor Trey is caught in the middle of an alien argument right now...

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New For an alien forest, I mixed both natural forest sounds with alien sounds, which I designed using a DAW. A few bizarre animal sounds enhanced the atmosphere.

Update(part 3) https://t.co/pwyJxcRIEI

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Lots of progress on the this last month. Demo is nearing completion: will be ready in time for a spring Kickstarter. Almost finished with a visit to the Erwani planet, Yolwana...

Star Legation Update (part 1) https://t.co/sphN1MkhsM

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It's Here's a scene in the demo I'm putting together for the where the protagonist is given a tour of an alien's starship.
Art: John Fell (characters), Alexis Rill (int. BG), Lee Madison (ext. BG)

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The next insider update for the goes out tonight!

Sign up so you won't miss insider info and game developer tricks towards saving some $ and generating tons of character expressions!


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Can you guess the number of different expressions I have for the protagonist's art in the

The closest guess will win a digital art piece featuring him
with your expression of choice! Art by John Fell
Winner announced 10/31.

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Almost done with prepping all the expressions for another character sprite. Tedious work, but it'll be worth it!
Would you like to know how many? Subscribe for the upcoming October insider update here:


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What do you think? Red or brown hair?
She's 26 years old.

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The utility belt of the Chiraktis Worker Drone, by John Fell. These hackers don't fight with traditional weapons; they use EW and cyberweapons! Can you survive an encounter with these in The

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It's There is the possibility of combat in the depending on your choices. Sometimes, enemies can board your starship!
Those sneaky Krissethi and their camouflage!
Art by Aeghite and John Fell.

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Most of the races in the speak the same However, the protagonist will find communication challenging with a few aliens that don't speak Universal well, or at all. Can you infer enough context to make the right choices?

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Diplomacy will be a part of the game, but there will be other situations that involve combat and personal combat (depending on your choices, which will also affect the way each of your crew feels about you and the ending you earn!)

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