Righteo folks. Thanks for your amazing support and use of my Yule Guide(s). I've got loads done to make it as good as I can for yous.

But it's rest time now, so I'm signing off until Monday.

Enjoy your weekends.

0 20

olá, twitteiras e twitteiros 🐿️🌲🕊️

make it a December to remember.
in a good way... 🌟


1 14

I felt crispy cold winter weather this morning.
For those who travel for the holiday, keep you warm and safe, and have a wonderful time!

66 358

How to survive the crypto winter
meme doodles

1 2

olá, twitteiras e twitteiros 🐿️👋🏼🐦

não se preocupem que este nevoeiro é a anunciar a chegada da sexta feira...
esta vai ser boa! 🌫️😎


0 5

Good night my Twitter friends, wishing you a peaceful evening & a happy day tomorrow- keep safe & do the best you can, kind wishes for those ill, sad, worried or struggling- please take care all🧡#tuesdayvibe 🦋🌹🧡

20 141

Good night my Twitter friends, wishing you a calm night & a peaceful weekend- keep safe, kind wishes for those ill, sad, lonely, worried or struggling- please take care of each other xx🧡#FridayFeeling 🦔🍁🍂🍄💛🧡

11 85

on our Lost&Found list
Clothes:Smokers Jacket

The incident occurred about month ago or so, if you have any information on who the owner is now or the individual who reported it please DM us.

15 49

olá, twitteiras e twitteiros 🐿️👋🏼🕊️

domingo no mundo...


0 17

Masks, I continued to wear a mask in crowded places. It is expected to be a bad Covid and Flu season this year, bare this in mind and protect yourselves and others. Stay safe.

8 53

olá, twitteiras e twitteiros 🐿️👋🏼🕊️

até aqui chegámos!
vamos enfrentar o fim de semana com vontade...
acordei vintage e com romãs.
boa sexta! 😎


1 21

olá, twitteiras e twitteiros 🐿️👋🏼🕊️

bom domingo! 🌻🍂


0 22

olá, twitteiras e twitteiros 🐿️👋🏼🕊️

bom sábado para quem descansa mas sobretudo para quem não tem descanso: há uma guerra tremenda a decorrer... 💥


1 18

パイドパイパーハウス 、閉店の時間となりました。ご来店いただいた皆さま、ありがとうございました。明日も11時〜22時の営業とさせていただきます。
Peace on 🌏

0 12

olá, twitteiras e twitteiros!

suspeito que hoje vai ser um dia de surpresas, passaritos 😎


0 12