What a finale!! I’m thankful I can still create these wonderfully gross creations for and get these wild reactions each time!!

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I got violently busy over the weekend so I haven’t been drawing in my regular daily schedule right now, so here’s a cool guy elf person smokin’ in the boys room

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More art from last night’s game of BLOODSTROKE 2: SAGAS OF THE RAVENGUARD! It was wonderful to see it come to undead life!

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The Reclaimers from yesterday’s VOP game! If you haven’t subscribed to the Twitch channel DO IT NOW! Support these Vampire moms!

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Some of the art from last night’s INCREDIBLE Neptune Society on ! Please go check them out NOW and subscribe if you can!

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From last Sunday’s Vampires of Pittsburgh ! Such an awesome show with awesome people dude! So go check them out dang it!

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You know what time it is! Time for a classic Twitter art dump because click another link to Insta is for the BIRDS!

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