I love my little ratties, it’s a bummer they only live 2-3 years if you’re lucky but they’ll live forever in art dripping with purple mutagen

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They say Friday the 13th is only one day of year, but I say you should try to keep Friday the 13th in your heart all year long ❤️🔪

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Inktober Day 28: Blade 2 (2002) the last great Blade movie and probably the best in the franchise, it’s got all that wonderful del Toro horror magic

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Inktober Day 25: Predator 2 (1990) I used to love this sequel as a kid because it was just “more Predator” in my head, it’s now in the good not great category in my head

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Inktober Day 23: Dawn of the Dead (2004) Zack Snyder’s best movie and was probably my favorite zombie film in 8th grade, you gotta get down with it (ooooo ah ah ah)

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Inktober Day 20: Black Christmas (1974) another dark horror holiday classic from the same director who brought us Porky’s and A Christmas Story. And Baby Geniuses…

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Inktober Day 19: My Bloody Valentine (1981) in my top 10 slasher moves, but you have to view the unedited edition where they haven’t taken out all the great kills and make up

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Inktober Day 17: Darkman (1990) Sam Raimi’s fantastic gothic horror superhero film that played all the time on HBO and I would catch after school. Love that D-man!

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Inktober Day 15: The Mist (2007) the last King adaptation on my list this year and I picked the one with the meanest ending. Why you gotta punish the Punisher?

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Inktober Day 13: The Dead Zone (1983) very solid Cronenberg film that doesn’t have any body horror but man that scissors scene?? Yeeesh

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Inktober Day 10: Pieces (1982) I wanted to get a Giallo style horror film in this year, this feature is more on the later end of that but you got the classic hallmarks of leather gloves and bizarre dubbing

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Inktober Day 9: Silence of the Lambs (1991) I love this movie I just hate the person that mentioned once to me that Anthony Hopkins is doing an Eartha Kit impression in this. It ruined a purrrrrfect viewing

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Inktober day 6: They Live (1988) a childhood favorite of mine which continues to age like a fine wine, also that Keith David/Roddy fight scene is still the best 🤘

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Inktober day 5: Scanners (1981) hard to talk about without just vomiting praise for this movie, fun fact: Michael Ironside changed his name to become an actor because no one would hire “Fred Ironside”. Weird

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Inktober day 1: Beetlejuice (1988) it has begun! is here and I’m starting with a horror comedy classic, more of a comedy than a horror feature but hey it’s damn entertaining folks!

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Hey it’s portfolio day! And I’m always down to share my work, it’s been a pretty great year of art making so far!

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Been a minute since I’ve drawn anything Lovecraftian, so I grabbed this from my journal. It’s Lil’ Yog everybody!

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Literally one week later this piece is all set! I’m so happy I still can be surprised and re-energized creatively by film. Thank you Mad God.

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Finished up this Leech man tattoo commission for a great horror nut, and yea if you’re interested I can and WILL your tattoo! Just send me a dm!

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