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Showing off #PlasmaMobile and new stickers at #QtWorldSummit2018. @qtproject
Life imitating the arts... illustration for G20 stories in today’s @nzherald #Trump #G20Summit2018
Here's my new Trump/Putin #bromance cartoon. See more Trump and Putin cartoons on https://t.co/TmquoB6pUK here: https://t.co/AZxgH0M57a
#PutinTrump #Putin #Russia #NATOSummit #NATOSummit #NATOSummit2018 #Trump
@KWSnet RT
Mike Luckovich @mluckovichajc
Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: https://t.co/xwqLXTjZJa
🔸 'The Next Day' 18 Jul 2018. Mike Luckovich, AJC.
@KWSnet RT
Adam Zyglis @adamzyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News and internationally syndicated through Cagle Cartoons.
🔸 'The Summit...,' 18 Jul 2018. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.
@KWSnet RT
Peter Brookes @BrookesTimes
Political cartoonist for The Times: https://t.co/t0Qh8Nw2kU
🔸 'American Gothic [after Grant Wood],' 18 Jul 2018. Peter Brookes, The Times.
@KWSnet RT
David Rowe @roweafr
Editorial cartoonist, Australian Financial Review.
David Rowe's take...
🔸 'If You Don't Mind,' 16 Jul 2018.
🔸 'Pussy in Chief,' 17 Jul 2018.
🔸 'Proverbs 26:11,' 18 Jul 2018.
Well, this is embarrassing. Meant to paint him fully clothed representing America’s needs competently #HelsinkiSummit2018 #Helsinki @realDonaldTrump
@KWSnet RT
Ann Telnaes @AnnTelnaes
WaPo Editorial Cartoonist: https://t.co/tjkples99j
🔸 'We Know Where Trump’s Loyalties Lie,' 16 Jul 2018. Ann Telnaes, WaPo.
@KWSnet RT
Michael de Adder @deAdder
Editorial Cartoonist: https://t.co/CCYgUbboLm
🔸 'Puppeteering,' 17 Jul 2018. Michael de Adder, The Chronicle Herald.
@KWSnet RT
Prof. Guido Kühn @ProfGuidoKuehn
Guido Kühn: https://t.co/0CIR3pn12G
🔸 'Putin's Creature,' 15 Jul 2018. Prof. Guido Kühn.
Here's my new one, which is supportive of Trump's rude talk of tariffs at the G7 meeting. I know how readers hate when I draw something supportive of Trump. Sorry.
Read more on this one at my blog: https://t.co/HILPd3rUEm
#G72018 #G7Summit2018 #G7Canada
I'm wondering if we'd have better luck with Dennis Rodman than Mike Pompeo! 😜
#NorthKorea #NorthKoreaSummitCANCELLED #DonaldTrump #KimJonghyun #cartoon #summit2018 #Trump @CNN @ABC @NBCNews @CBSNews @nytimes
We at Think Visual wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone @PendulumSummit for making it an amazing two days, here are some highlights #PendulumSummit2018 @richardbranson @randizuckerberg @BradSugars @SileSeoige @grainne_seoige