Mysterious “Superbubble” ✨

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Superbubble LHA 120-N 44 in the Large Magellanic Cloud, surrounding the star cluster NGC 1929 Img1 ESO-VLT/Manu Mejias Img2 Gemini Observatory/AURA Img3 in X-ray the star cluster NGC 1929,NASA/CXC/U. Mich./S. Oey

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Eridanus Loop (Sh2-245), a rarely imaged very large structure that is a companion to Barnard's Loop -- Together they make up the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble. Captured at Okie-Tex 2021, 5 hours integration with my Canon Ra at 85mm f.l.

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X Ray Superbubbles in Galaxy NGC 3079: by X-ray:s, CXC, U. Michigan, J-T Li et al.;sOptical:s,

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Josep M. Drudis
Henize 70 - A Superbubble in the LMC

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Henize 70 is actually a luminous superbubble of interstellar gas about 300 light-years in diameter, blown by winds from hot, massive stars and supernova explosions, with its interior filled with tenuous hot and expanding gas

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Henize 70: A Superbubble in the LMC

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