Presentation post! I am Rosa, 21, swiss and hobbyist artist!(for now) I absolutely love illustration making and drawing silly little sketches of my ships :) My fav thing is to draw common characters with a slight touch of surnatural!
Horror movies fan as well <3

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Son esprit n'était pas serein, perturbé par l'éveil incessant de ses stigmates, "Dévoré" de l'intérieur, impuissant et sans le moindre répit. 🧠👁️

Prenez soin de vous.

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L'indicible se manifeste, s'agite. Et au travers des songes des rêveurs, il déploie ses éclaireurs, ses "Abominations" (2021) 🐙

Prenez soin de vous.

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A new set of stickers with know faces on it. From left to right, Artemis (fursona of SMNeff), a new sticker for OceRydia (since she now has hair), and Ziegelle (the genderbend version of my fursona, following the surnatural event of Mick's Bachelor Party).

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"La Planète Abandonnée" 2021


La 2ème partie "Horreur 80-90" n'arrivera pas dans l'immédiat. Pour autant, j'ai d'autres "petites" choses à proposer en attendant 🌚

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"The Elm Street" 2021

"Un, deux, Freddy te couperas en deux, trois, quatre, remonte chez toi quatre à quatre..."


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tweeting many times on it
n the fact its kinda similar to I like it If someone would have told me at first it's a horror, fantastic, surnatural, romance n comedy kind (the three first, first but the five are the best mix ever) I would have started it earlier

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Another one of my baby, my oc, Anémone. She's human but she have some ancestors who are of surnatural species.

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It's finally finished! Well the first part anyway. This is the classical drawing. Tomorrow i'm going to start to add the surnatural elements to it. Drawing of

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