I also thought of a more flying line since he's a flying fish and I like this line a lot!

Swimmon > Tobiumon > Huankunmon > Valdurmon

0 0

Am the only one who like Swimmon? I know he's kinda random, but I'd like to give him some justice.

Swimmon > Tobiumon > Tylomon > Plesiomon.
Could work with Plesiomon X Antibody as well

0 5

Tropical Fish
Slash Fin
Brine Pistol

5 19

Tropical Fish
Slash Fin
Brine Pistol

0 1

Woah the patterns and colours line up way too well! Enjoy your new partner Swimmon! I'm sure it'll help greatly when you're on the longship!

0 2

Tropical Fish
Slash Fin
Brine Pistol

3 22

Gawr Gura and Surfimon


4 16

No he podido tener más suerte de que me toque tobiumon para hacer así la línea del que sería mi digimon acompañante
Swimmon > Tobiumon (Campeon)> Tylomon (Megacampeon) > Neptunmon (Hipercampeon) https://t.co/L1LFZ8ZorQ

1 8

In the same line, some "water" babies would be nice, a jellyfish evolution for Poyomon, a Baby I for Chapmon, and any kind of FISH babies to tie into Swimmon, Pukamon and Upamon aren't enough in my opinion.

0 3

Seahomon is closely related to
Seadramon-species, and I think it can be flexed a little, but it leans more as an Adult, Swimmon ties well into it, but it can also act as a Seadramon evolution or evolve into any Perfect Seadramon. I also like Plesiomon as an Ultimate for it.

0 3

Tropical Fish
Slash Fin
Brine Pistol

0 1

Tropical Fish
Slash Fin
Brine Pistol

0 3

Tropical Fish
Slash Fin
Brine Pistol

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