03.12.23 | 00:31 Size: 72 x 72 in
A coiled spring, a ring, these spirals are a new pre-occupation
Meanwhile the ring is a whole thing in my life that I can’t escape

Made as the clocks changed, so who knows what time it really was

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Synaesthesia: A limited series by depicting the flow state of arousal where you see energy as colors. https://t.co/WWYnSbmozR

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Diffraction Tactics II
11.09.22 | 17:23
Back on the arts and crafts.
Patterns, but non-repetitive.

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saw texas in ambience synaesthesia this morning and i fell to my knees

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07.08.22 | 18:13
More techno-futurist architecture snapshots. Details from a larger composition.

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I have various types of synaesthesia, and I'm blatantly using it in my comic! 🤩
I can see the sounds as dancing colorful shapes, taste the sounds, taste the colors, hear images, and I also have that thing where you see the colors and personalities in numbers and letters lol.

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Some detailed screenshots from my insignia series, 1/1 editions all available - very pleased with these ✌️

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last night… it was the application of the little floating mosaics tied to the curved geometries that made it zing. Like seasoning. 21k pixels! 💙

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Synaesthesia painting done while listening to one of my favourite songs!! These are the colours I saw while listening ☺️💙💚

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I have synaesthesia, and the piece on the left has the colours I saw when listening to one of my favourite songs!!☺️

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SciFaiku Sundays:
bird song
becomes moonlight
-- Tom Brinck

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WOOW RUGS by Inkiostro Bianco offers a sensorial play of colors and patterns with their rugs collection Synaesthesia.
Explore on https://t.co/1gzyDsppHX

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From Aug 5th to Sep 5th
The inspiration of the design is from acid art, which causes visual hallucinations, audiovisual synaesthesia, and experiences of de-realization. Seems like this is the art piece that described a sweet girl's fantasy.

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art was influenced by early 20th century losing original forms & became abstract concepts. He referenced painting a concert in 1911. Did he have synaesthesia, this is oft debated. Films of him show his fluid & rhythmic gestural technique

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Words like “crescendo” or “gritty” have auditory referents, while “excitement” doesn’t actually have a specific auditory association. Thus C is using different types of signs (in semiotic terms) to create his synaesthesia. 9/11

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‘A chair is often more alive than the person who sits in it’

Games with the waterhorse

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