Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we continue on our Journey of Regeneration and uncover the truth!

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Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we continue opening the seals on our Journey of Regeneration!

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Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we continue our Journey of Regeneration!

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Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we pause out Journey of Regeneration to get a job in Palmacosta!

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Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we continue on our Journey of Regeration and open the Seal of Fire!

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Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we guard the Chosen and help save Sylvarant!!

オブ シンフォニア

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A chibi Colette to celebrate the remaster of

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Tales of Symphonia Remastered is finally out! to celebrate here is the art I did as part of the awesome collab.
Was super fun to give some love to one of my favourite games of all time.
Thank you so much for having me

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~Reembark on a journey to regenerate the world~

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a little rushed but Happy release day! It's my favorite game of all time and I'm so excited to experience it again!!

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Tales of Symphonia Remastered is now available on Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.

A collaboration with Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival is also revealed!

▼ More

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There will be more soon but I just had to get this little doodle of Lloyd out of my system.
Still so happy that one of my favourite games of all time is coming to switch

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🌸 Deadly Flower 🌸

After Lloyd, Presea is probably my second favourite cast member from Symphonia 💗

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Tales of symphonia on switch you say? Always love to see my sassy child again.

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arrives on consoles early next year. Check the teaser from today's + a special edition up for pre-order on the Bandai Namco store!


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