Watch out when you touch a treasure chest! Could be a mimic! Strange and dangerous creatures that can transform any object, especially chests.
Portuguese and English available.

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Maybe this way he can get more princesses. Fashion is something almost every nobility enjoys, since they wear luxurious clothes, right?

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Dragons like to eat sheep. Because they have fluffy meats. But if you want to protect your animals, here's a tip: Dragons Like Money. So try to negotiate with them.

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Think twice before going to a dragon's barbecue. News about the food is not going to be so cool.

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Enjoy the moments because life is short.
Enjoy as much as possible because a dragon is close!
Portuguese and English available.
Image from Bergamo city.

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Did you know? Dragons have vacation.
And they do stuff that we see things rarely they do.
Portuguese and English available.

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This time this warrior got lucky, now he better gets home early after that.
Please, respect your soul mates because you don't know what they can do.
Portuguese and English available.

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Dragons need to be prepared for everything but our little dragon is trying... Hiding in the city isn't his strong skill.
Portuguese and English available.

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