After an Early Permian down pour washed nutrients from the surrounding forests into a shallow lagoon, a following heat spell caused an algal bloom of cyanobacteria. This can become toxic and reduce oxygen in the water. This poor Prionosuchus, a large temnospondyl, succumbed to it

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day 7: Fedexia
Second week of and we got ourselfs a same day shipping the trematopid from late carboniferous north america

21 51

day 26: Metoposaurus
Its time for day 26 of and who do we have but a quintessential know from mass graves from all over Europe

11 36

The brachiopoid temnospondyl, Koolasuchus
One of my absolute favourite prehistoric animals ❤️
temnospondyl suggested by

12 46

Dimetrodon teutonis, a stem-mammal, and Rotaryus gothae, a temnospondyl, both part of the fauna local to the of Germany.

10 87