day 28: Xenobrachyops
For the twenty eighth day of we got our selfs a small from the rivers of early Australia,

11 34

day 27: Wantzosaurus
Is the day 27 of and it's the turn for a relatively small marine from the early of Madagascar

14 41

day 25 : Uranocentrodon
And so, we arrive at the final stretch of there for, it's time for a surprisingly large from the late Permian of Africa

15 63

day 21 :Rotaryus
It´s the twenty first of and we got a small from the early permian of germany,

17 50

day 20: Qantas
And so we are down to the final third of and we go with a Qantasinid (ngl, that was my best guest) from the early of russia

19 31

day 18: Odenwaldia
Once agian, we are back with and so we have a with a slender snout from the Triassic of germany

22 51

day 16: Nanolania
From the same continent that broght you Megalania, coming this we have coming frest out of the early the diminutive
(batteries not included)

19 67

day 15: Melanerpeton
And so we arrive to the equator of and we have a small know from excelet preserved specimens that mantain part of the color patern

20 74

day 14: Lydekkerina
Alright, day fourthteen and we got a basal with several adaptations for life on land (something a bit uncomon for the group) from the of Africa and Australia

14 27

day 11: Jammerbergia
Was this the only starting with "J"?, yes; Does makes it less interesting?, nah; So here we have a from the Triassic of Africa

17 33

day 9: Hyperokynodon
So, for the ninth day of we have the largest and latest from the upper triassic of Europe

20 68

day 7: Fedexia
Second week of and we got ourselfs a same day shipping the trematopid from late carboniferous north america

21 51

day 4: Eocaecilia
Ok, this might be a bit odd/controversial to include in but here we have it, a basal gymnophionan from the Kayenta formation, and all around a good show in diversity

21 61

day 4: Dendrerpeton
For the fourth day of we have one of the most basal and ancient s, from late carboniferous of North America

15 48

day 1: Anaschisma
And so we begin, first day of and what do we have but a large metoposaur from the triassic of North America

48 175

Might as well share some works from the time when I feel at my high. It was collections of work prompted by initiated by

I couldn't keep up but it was a damn fun prompt, I hope I'm going to do it this year

21 87

Well, it´s the 30 of november and so it time to say goodbye to honestly its been awseome and i fell like you guys have also like it. I got to give a special thank u to everyone who has join and talk about and draw this month, you guys are awesome:D!!

37 134

day 30: Koolasuchus
And with the end of the triassic we should have ended however, almost 100 ma after their last major appearance, we found the cretaceous a large chigutisaurid from Australia

13 46

day 29 :"Precious"
For day 29 of we have an unnamed skull fragment, with nothing special about it, except for the the fact that if the current interpretation is right, belongs to the largest ever, so yeah, no big deal

25 80