My blog is resuming weekly activity! For August, I'll discuss amphibamiforms, the smol dissorophoids related to living amphibians!

This week's overview:

📷: Schoch/Rubidge 2005, Sigurdsen/Bolt 2010, Gee/Reisz 2020, Maddin et al. 2013

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Gimme that title or whatever they're giving out these days!

Ph.D. ✔

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Didn't know it was coming out today, but here's a new paper for redescription (first full description) of the amphibamiform Nanobamus in Journal of Paleontology!



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It's Up this week on the blog is an overview of Cope's "batrachian armadillo": Dissorophus!


📷: armoured carapaces of Dissorophus from DeMar 1966 and Gee et al. 2019

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It's been pretty frosty lately, so this week's post is on (southern) polar temnospondyls! Based largely on historic work by Hammer, Cosgriff, Colbert and recent work by Pic: Antarctosuchus; Sidor et al. (2014)

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I don't do resolutions, but I'd like to do more in 2019, so for the first of the year, I'm kicking off a blog on my personal website: talking about...#temnospondyls! Temnospondyls are cool! They deserve more attention! (1/2)

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