aak! cw // spoiler CN crossover Genshin

Dikabarkan salah satu Fatui Harbinger sedang berkunjung ke Laterano

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My actions become Law sculpture hahaha, hope I can win, love the Laterano furniture

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The arknights one, is "My Actions Become Law" from the Laterano Notorial Hall Lounge set

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Results from the Flocking
Proapteryx ridng on a Moa
Suportive Jeholopterus and snack
Styxosaurus catching a pteranodontid
Embolotherium dating game. Do you chose Grangeri or Andrewsi?

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The artworks for Captivz JP30th wave 2 by are really incredible!! We already see 3 different animals from TLW (Inland Pteranodon, Geosternbergia, Compy) I know more is coming, and I saw one of them. It's really incredible!!

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Solo los más veteranos recordarán estos artworks 🧡

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Hmm, good to know. I wanted to use an in-editor postFX filter that was URP-compatible, so this is what I found: https://t.co/Q2Xazvv0G5
Trying out a different online filter, I get these for protanomaly/deuteranomaly/tritanomaly:

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Me llamaron loco, hace meses vengo profesando que los zombies veteranos regresarían y que añadirán la piscina... y hoy es el día ... Bueno no literalmente hoy,pero por fin deciden incluir zombies veteranos para cuevas congeladas y la edad oscura.

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I hope Kuma or someone else picks up Clumsy Love Step after Terano-kun.
Kinda has the same vibes as I didn’t mean to fall in love, although the latter has a more mature feel to it.
Both have the “playboy falls in love with their inexperienced, reserved fwb” thing going on.

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Magallan launched a missile attack against Laterano.

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0⃣9⃣ Hoy os hablo de Filipp, nuestro modelador más veterano. Gran parte de los edificios que veáis habrán pasado por sus manos.
Tiene una precisión 1:1 con los concepts que le llegan, es como un robot 🤖

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Drew M.W but I had a Deuteranopia filter on…unfortunately it wont let me screenshot the image with the filter on. (so excuse the nasty green/yellow look)

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Xoan como buena Xiao kinnie, debe tener un espíritu veterano Zhongli kinnie q la cuide a

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Groo Pacific. Under a great Frazetta homage cover, a great spread. Layers of detail, incidental skulls, pteranodons.

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In jurassic park tlw at the end we were able to observe a blue-headed pterosaur, and although it looks like a pteranodon, I have seen that many people relate it to geosternbergia, in this pterosaur has a very large dimorphism, so the male is quite colorful

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. 『プテラノドン』

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