I've been redesigning one of my old I've made during trend back in 2021. Meet Yucca Valentine! She's a thalassocnus a.k.a sea sloth. Her height is 167 cm and her birthday is 18 October...

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Results from the
Uranocentrodon, Piscogavialis + Thalassocnus (for ), Transylvanosaurus and Nannites.

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T is for the swimming sloth! This genus has a lineage that shows adaptations to living in shallow marine environments, like DENSE bones and fancy faces for slurping up sea grass. Yum.

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Thalassocnus yaucensis, a spesies of a marine sloth.

Sloths was once very abundant in south america during miocene and filled many ecological niches, ranging from high hills, tree, ground, even sea.

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Xernathrans: Giant Anteater and Thalassocnus
Afrotherians: Giant Otter Shrew and Platybelodon

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Thalassocnus natans needs a breather for day 21 of

33 232

This is like.... uuuhhhhh... the 4th thalassocnus you've drawn in paleostream...

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Results from a very different
Cratoavis, Parahenodus, Thalassocnus and T. rex.
We were invited to appear on the "III Encuentro del Arte y la Ciencia de los Fósiles" in Ecuador, which was a fascinating experiences, no one before directly translated me into Spanish.

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So there's tag on twitter eh?

Well time to introduce my character then. Meet Yukka! She's a gyaru girl who lives an average school life.

She's a thalassocnus, a species of marine sloth. (pic right belongs to Oliver Demuth)

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It's been a long time since i last time drew anime...

Now i'll share you my OC made for a trending tag on facebook. The tag is about gijinka marine animals as highschool students. And i chose Thalassocnus 'cuz why not..?

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I've been in mood to draw in past few weeks, and now I can share my finished drawing with everyone! Featuring Eremotherium laurillardi, Thalassocnus carolomartini, Mylodon darwinii, and Bradypus tridactylus! Everyone know that sloths are weird animals!

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Results from the stream!
Again these are fulfilled wishes. Juravenator for , Enchodus for , Thalassocnus for and some ammonites plus belemnite for Leonie Vieweg.

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水棲のナマケモノ 。南米にいたらしいけどなんやかんやあって絶滅した。話によると、パナマ地峡ができて海水温が変化したせいとかいろいろ言われてるらしい。

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Highlights from the
Viavenator (hidden tribute to Juri Gagarin whose Birthday it is),Thalassocnus, Vulcanops and Bramatherium.

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It's which is all the excuse I need to post this of the large aquatic sloth Thalassocnus. Darwin never knew of this species or the awesomeness of aquatic sloths in general, but he recovered many bones of other large and giant extinct sloths in his travels.

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STOP. Take a moment to enjoy the fact there were once marine sloth (Genus Thalassocnus). This gorgeous artwork is by Bill Parsons. OK, GO AGAIN.

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