Made a standalone album with tracks composed by the one and only - ! 🤘🤘🤘 Contains tracks that aren't mixed and have a specific title. Enjoy!

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Environment concept art done for Urdak, featured in DOOM Eternal. Which was your favorite level of the game?

85 792

The mechs of DOOM Eternal that I had the pleasure of designing.

Really cool to finally see the Atlans in action in The Ancient Gods DLC. Never thought I'd see a giant robot I design kick demon ass in a DOOM game.

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As soon as my wrists stops hurting, I also wanna play the new DLC.

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You can't tell me the dark lord in the ancient gods part 2 don't look like Bruce fucking Banner in the hulk buster 😂

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Part 2 is out, play it!

Titan (100x100 22 colours)

186 1530

Doing something a little different for this The first robot I ever designed for work vs the last robot I designed for work, 10 years apart. Iirc I was paid USD$30 for the first piece.

77 735

Reposting my piece in celebration of Ancient Gods Part II. Can’t wait to rip n’ tear later tonight🤘

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I toyed arround with the colors to see how much my last draw could change. Hope you like it!


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"Swaying to the symphony of destruction!!"
I'm really hyped for the upcoming dlc of Doom Eternal, it comes TOMORROW!

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Spoilers warning!

they say the devil that you know is better than the devil that you dont

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