If only you could see how he looks at you when you’re not looking, you’d understand everything.

54 213

Following that beauty and the beast au, they got married in the garden and are wonderfully happy and in love╭( ;ㅂ;)و

190 500

I re-watched beauty and the beast the other day, please indulge me for a moment

47 167

I read a [pinning idiots] konoha x kai fic and they were so adorable i couldn’t help myself

13 71

afternoon smooches and bragging about how cool he was when saving his little lover from a dangerous situation (you idiot. you didn’t even need to brag, Daichi has eyes)

28 122

Two punks who fell for the same good college student who was simply trying to mind his own business.

60 188

Bokuto: you bunch of thirsty little owls ♥

For that nude drawing challenge _(ᐛ」∠)_

138 360

i don’t always read webtoon but when i do i pick what i thought would be a funny/slice of life story only for it to be one of the most depressed story i’ve ever read...so i drew a bunch of cat kuroo being happy and in love to cheer myself ;w;

30 106

kuroo: those are for you. Have you forgotten that your bf is a pastry baker?
daichi: your shop doesn’t even do deliveries
kuroo: i needed an excuse to see you ok?

day 5 - police au

100 234

super festival confessions are such a cliché but i really had to apply this to my otp

day 1 - Confessions

56 138

“Your voice is too quiet and i’m already this close….
or are you doing it on purpose?”

He looked up and gently nodded.

He smiled and slowly leaned down.

17 83

Today is 4/11 and that means bokurodai day for me.

41 162

The evolution of how Sawamura Daichi reacts to being squeezed by his two big boyfriends with bigger hearts.

135 383

Every morning upon seeing Daichi Kuroo is nothing but a useless weak ass nerd.

16 63

yes hi can i have a moment of your time to appreciate a really pure and shining owl because he absolutely deserves all the love and attention

90 184