
2 7

A hopefully, at least, quarter spoon for
Grillby catching a stretch at the end of a long day.

1 12

Day 30: Glyptodon clavipes

This gigantic, car-sized armadillo lived in the late Pleistocene epoch in Argentina. They also likely used their armored, spiked tails to whack each other in intraspecific combat!

18 139

Day 29: Zygomaturus trilobus

This diprotodontid was one of the world’s largest marsupials and is known for having a tall, raised nose and possibly semi-aquatic habits.

16 113

Day 28: Sivatherium giganteum

This massive, almost Moose-like giraffid lived in the Pliocene epoch of India. Yours truly is included for scale :)

54 340

Day 27: Paranthropus boisei

Paranthropus shows off a cool rock to you he found and sharpened. Do u accept his gift??

2 54

Paranthropus boisei doing some meal prep for day 23 of

41 217

Day 23: Tylocephalonyx skinneri

This large perissodactyl from the Miocene epoch of North America is noted for having a big dome-like projection on its head, possibly for sexual display or ornamentation.

33 160

Day 22: Platybelodon grangeri

This Ambelodontid proboscidean was a strange relative of modern elephants from the Miocene of Africa and Eurasia, famous for their shovel-like lower jaws and extended lower incisors.

12 61

Day 22: Platybelodon grangeri. Platybelodon hopes you have a wonderful day today.

8 59

Platybelodon grangeri for day 19 of She's very proud of her stick

47 365

Day 21: Enhydriodon omoensis

This massive Otter from Miocene Ethiopia was the largest known mustelid at over 400 lbs!

7 69

Enhydriodon omoensis looking menacing on day 18 of

24 148

Vulcanops jennyworthyae flying in for day 17 of

22 116