Magni Bronzebeard is the daddy of the Elementals, Therazane the mommy of the Elementals

Can't change my opinion about that! 😈

0 4

Patron Pin Up! They wanted a sexy Therazane (technically It was any WoW Elemental Lord. Smolderon was a CLOSE second)

53 402

💀 Wave 2 Trick or Treat Reveal!! , Felix, & ; Capn' Crackers-inspired, Therazane, Sparky Skelly & Siren! Only 4 this week due to one dropping out, but these were a ton of fun! Did anyone get tricked?!

9 30

High Fives (get it?!?) to everyone out there fighting this good fight! Your passion completely astounds me

4 6

This space family takes care of each other. Dark Matter is so different &

74 63

Dark Matter has the best captain and the most unusual allies. If only they could work together &

128 164

ALL Dark Matter's relationships are a delight to watch develop &

102 128

The Raza crew is my extended family and the Raza is my home away from home. I love this show and this crew.

245 147

There is still one more hug for you and our whole Dark Matter family. (gif courtesy )

55 23

I NEED to see the end of that story. I love heartbreaks. don't let that poor Dr. be unfridged for nothing. She could

3 0

Dark Matter means means family in sci-fi. Of choice and shenanigans, but still family. let's a little longer

0 0

A flurry of great, and sometimes contrary, characters like Wexler... That's Dark Matter for you can

172 102