Maggie Sinclair, also known as ‘Old Naikairn’ the Hen Wife, was painted in 1715 by Richard Waitt as part of a series documenting the household and employees of Alexander Grant, Chief of Clan Grant

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Gavin Hamilton was born into an influential Lanarkshire family in 1723. In his 20s he tried to establish himself as a portrait painter in London producing dazzling images like this of Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of Hamilton

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By 1767 Gavin Hamilton was principal tutor of painting at the Academia di San Luca in Rome. Among his students would be the greatest neoclassical sculptor of his day Antonio Canova & the French painter Jacques-Louis David

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In 1948 Wilhelmina Barns-Graham undertook a trip to the Grindelwald Glacier in Switzerland which inspired a series of canvasses where frosty layers of ice and time were conveyed with sharp-edged abstraction. 'Glacier Crystal' 1950

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