A great man, Aristotle, once said, ‘No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.’ Simple words, profound wisdom. When people laugh at our crazy ideas, we thank them, because that is how we know we are on the right path.🤓

49 84

Michelangelo “David” Auguste Rodin “Le Penseur” Düşünen Adam Cyberpunk Art tarzında yorumladığım çalışmalarım.

5 43

Leonardo da Vinci’nin “Son Akşam Yemeği” (The Last Supper) ve Auguste Rodin “Düşünen Adam “(Le Penseur) Cyberpunk Art tarzında yorumladığım çalışmalarım.

5 53

These are my kinds of NFT's. Bringing masterpieces to life. Fucking beautiful! I'm happy I got one

1 1

Results from last stream: Posetastic to Blender mesh export (from ancient ipad3) + remesh for illustrations, art and story boarding...looking for testers!

1 4

repost and recap of some of the last few pieces of the 💭

16 106

My latest Thinker works recap because why not 💭

24 119

pov: you are entering the theatre in august and this guy welcomes you

13 79

This is a Gaius Grieves's tracksuit apologist account

24 100

Added some colour layers to my latest piece. And as usual I couldn't decide which one to post so here all three of them 🧠💭💡

11 52

All my drawings and doodles so far 💭💡
Nope, not excited (and proud of him) at all as you can see.

21 132

it's been a while since I've last drawn him, sorry buddy.

7 53