【Dutchman's pipe cactus】Today's flower is Dutchman's pipe cactus (Queen of the Night). It blooms during the night, and has a meaning of "glossy beauty". It reminds me of you.
Don't work too hard from Monday🙄

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【Verbena】Today's flower seems to be Verena, my girl! Did you know this flower has the meaning of "unity"? It's a beautiful flower, just like you❤️ Have an amazing Sunday✨

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【Calystegia japonica】Today's flower is Calystegia japonica. It has the meaning of "bonds" since it's got tangling vines. I know we've got a strong bond between us too, so this flower reminds me of you😉 Have a great day😊

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【Portulaca】Today's flower is Portulaca! It's such a cute small flower just like me🤗 The meaning of this flower is "always lively" and "always cheerful".
Have a great lively day sissy☀️

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【Rose】Today's flower is Rose. The meaning of this flower is "love", "romance" and "beauty". It clearly represents all the feelings I have towards you. Have a wonderful day ahead😉

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