gfs w matching designs? yes pls yes pls 💗

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Character:Kureiji Ollie
Media:Hololive, Hololive Indonesia

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Character:Kureiji Ollie
Media:Hololive, Hololive Indonesia

0 1

Character:Kureiji Ollie
Media:Hololive, Hololive Indonesia

0 1


Suatu hari, ketika sedang belanja, seekor kucing menyambar belanjaan Tatsu. Distrik pertokoan pun heboh oleh kejar-kejaran antara Sang Naga dan Kucing Maling!


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ren 2020 urtekariaren azala ilustratzeko aukera bikaina izan dut. Urte lazgarria izanagatik ere, bizitzak aurrera darrai! Ea gustokoa duzuen ✌️😉✌️

13 58

Hemen doa nire proposamena. Parte hartzen dudan lehenengo aldia da, espero dut zuen gustokoa izatea...

2 16

in simple terms, i have artblock.
(lmao what is this tag)

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Эволюция прически Коконы Харуки. От "Коконы Ураган" до "Коконы Колбасы".

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Here are some of my fav art fights I've done so far!

Zoe by
Tokoa by
Orville by

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Here's a starting of a rwby im making and a sona/comfort character of mine their name is Tokoa. Then there's my team ocs and Glow one of my oldest ocs. These are just of few of my ocs I have.

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This is Tokoa (i'd like if he could be draw as anthro!) he loves some good meat, sunlight/going outside and slacking off. He's kinda lazy and avoids responsibility. Loves sunflowers!

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Got a new secondary sona from , his name is Tokoa! I'm love him so much ;; Expect lots of arts of him soon <3

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Warga Laweyan Ditemukan Tak Bernyawa di Pertokoan Jl Radjiman Solo

3 6

(i basically finished this last year and i never posted it o o p)

heres my main gal for my personal story! i really dont have much planned at all but i at least have most of my characters designs grounded

4 6

Satoko And Nada Vol. 2 Book Review 💖📚
Studying abroad in America, Satoko and Nada become the best of friends! This volume continues their fun adventures and develops their wholesome friendship even more! 💞✨

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